bpmNEXT or BPMN-ext?

Jean-Loup Comeliau, W4
Because we trust Business Process Management is a commodity for organizations, we think the extensions to BPMN are key since Business Processes can?t live by themselves, but do require connections to the IT, Data Models and Graphical User Interfaces. And guess what, this is where W4 focuses its innovation to provide a all-in-one environment to define the 3 elements together. Moreover, as a complement to our BPMN2-native engine, we will show that it is possible to model and execute a whole BPM application connected to databases and ECM systems, without the need to produce Java (or whatever) code.

jlcJean-loup is a product manager at W4. He worked in Europe and in the US for several startups, involved in model driven application development. He is particularly interested in innovative BPM, able to automate solutions, including social aspects, user interfaces and data. He holds an MS in Software Engineering and an MBA from the Kelley School of Business.